Birth Control Specialist

Arjang Naim, MD
OB-GYN located in West Hollywood & Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Naim helps women in the Greater Los Angeles area understand their birth control options, providing them with a wide array of methods so every woman can feel comfortable and confident in her form of birth control.
Birth Control Q & A
What types of birth control does Dr. Naim offer?
Dr. Naim offers a comprehensive array of birth control options so women can choose an option that's ideally suited to their needs and preferences. Some of the most popular options include:
birth control pills
intrauterine devices (IUDs)
arm implants
tubal ligation
For extra convenience, walk-ins and scheduled appointments are both available.
What happens during a diaphragm fitting?
During your fitting, you'll lie on your back on the exam table and a speculum will be used to gently widen your vagina so Dr. Naim can access your cervix. The diaphragm is slipped into place over the cervix opening to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. Once Dr. Naim determines the right size, you can practice inserting the diaphragm to ensure you know how to position it properly. Diaphragms must be used with a spermicide.
How is an IUD inserted?
IUD insertion is simple and takes just a few minutes in Dr. Naim's office. You'll be positioned the same way you are for a pelvic exam. You may have a local anesthetic injected to make insertion more comfortable. The IUD device is shaped like a “T” and is inserted through your cervix into your uterus. A long plastic “tail” hangs down into your vaginal canal. Before having sex, you should always check to make sure the plastic tail is in place, which indicates your IUD is still in its proper position. After having your IUD inserted, you'll need to return in a few weeks for a follow-up visit to ensure the device is still in place.
Can tubal ligation be reversed?
In some instances, tubal ligation can be reversed, but many reversals are not successful. For this reason, you should only consider a tubal ligation once you're sure you're done having children.
In-Network Insurance Providers
We accept a variety of insurance plans at our practice. If you do not see your provider listed, please call our office so we can help you determine coverage.